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35 imagesPAPUA - AMONG BIRDS OF PARADISE AND DEVIL RAYS Selected images from the magnificent coffee table book Papua, which has won WWF Sweden's prestigious award “Panda Book of the Year 2022”. To quote the WWF jury, the book is "nature photography elevated to art" . Here, the photographers and authors Magnus Lundgren and Staffan Widstrand take the reader on a visually captivating and fascinating journey of discovery, through West Papua's unique tropical wilderness. PRESS & MEDIA GALLERY This media friendly press gallery is a support for media professionals. Limited free media usage under the following conditions: 1) Free usage only allowed if there is a clearly visible connection between your publishing and the book "Papua" and our award "Panda book of the Year 2022". 2) The respective copyright holding photographer must be mentioned in the text and photo credit must be published next to the published image/s. Example - Photo: Staffan Widstrand / or Magnus Lundgren / 3) A maximum of 5 press images can be used. Any subsequent usage is subject to our prior approval. 4) To download images use the password: papua
114 imagesArctic fox, Alopex lagopus, Walrus, Obdobenus rosmarus, Polar bear, Ursus maritimus, Svalbard reindeer, Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus, Bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus, Svalbard, Norway. Photo: Mireille de la Lez / Wild Wonders of Europe
196 imagesSaiga antelope, Saiga tatarica, Kalmykia, Russia. Photo: Igor Shpilenok / Wild Wonders of Europe
20 imagesBarrika area, Bay of Biscay, Basque country, Barrika coast, coastal landscape Spain. Photo: Verena Popp Hackner / Wild Wonders of Europe
228 imagesSperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus, Loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, Pilot fish, Naucrates ductor, Common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, underwater Pico, Azores, Portugal. Photo: Magnus Lundgren / Wild Wonders of Europe
153 imagesWhite tailed Sea eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla, North Atlantic, Flatanger, Nord-Trondelag, Norway. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
412 imagesGannet, Sula bassana, Puffin, Fratercula arctica, Razorbill, Alca torda, bird cliff, coastal landscape, Saltee islands, Giant's Causeway basalt landscape Northern Ireland, UNESCO world heritage site, Ireland. Photo: Island Pål Hermansen / Wild Wonders of Europe
16 imagesMount Matterhorn, forest, mountain landscape, Alps, Switzerland. Photo: Verena Popp Hackner / Wild Wonders of Europe
129 imagesFrog, Rana Esculenta, Horsehair parachute mushrooms, Marasmius androsaceus, Grey Heron, Ardea Cinerea, White Stork, Ciconia Ciconia, Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax Carbo, Prypiat river, Prypiat National Park, Belarus. Photo: Bence Máté / Wild Wonders of Europe
95 imagesFlamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber, Marshes in Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park, Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain. Photo: Diego López / Wild Wonders of Europe
6 imagesEuropean white waterlily, Nymphaea alba, in Swedish lake, Bohuslän, Sweden. Photo: Magnus Lundgren / Wild Wonders of Europe
370 imagesDalmatian Pelican, Pelecanus crispus, Lake Kerkini, Macedonia, Greece. Photo: Jari Peltomäki / Wild Wonders of Europe
81 imagesMountain landscape, Alps, Aiguilles Rouges, Chamonix, Lac Blanc, France. Photo: Frank Krahmer / Wild Wonders of Europe
304 imagesMuskox, Ovibos moschatus, Dovrefjell national park, Norway. Photo: Vincent Munier / Wild Wonders of Europe
114 imagesAtlantic Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus thynnus, Short-snouted seahorse, Hippocampus hippocampus, underwater marine life, Malta. Photo: Solvin Zankl / Wild Wonders of Europe
282 imagesAtlantic puffin, Fratercula arctica, Arctic fox, Alopex lagopus, birds, wildlife, waterfall, glacier ice, volcanic activity, landscape, Iceland. Photo: Orsolya Haarberg / Wild Wonders of Europe
194 imagesMarsh Helleborine, Epipactis palustris, European Beech, Fagus sylvatica, Birch, Betula pubescens, chalk cliff, sand dune, Skagen, Møns Klint, National Park Thy, Denmark. Photo: Sandra Bartocha / Wild Wonders of Europe
471 imagesGreat grey owl, Strix nebulosa, Aurora borealis, Northern lights, Black woodpecker, Dryocopus martius, birds, winter, Oulu, Oulanka national park, Riisitunturi national park, Finland. Photo: Sven Zacek / Wild Wonders of Europe
163 imagesArctic Fox, Vulpes lagopus, Cotton grass, Eriophorum, iceberg, landscape, Discobay, Greenland. Photo: Kai Jensen / Wild Wonders of Europe
486 imagesOrchids, flowers, landscape, forest, Gargano National Park, Gargano Peninsula, Italy. Photo: Sandra Bartocha / Wild Wonders of Europe, Claudia Müller / Wild Wonders of Europe
130 imagesChamois, Rupicapra rupicapra, Alpine Ibex, Capra ibex, Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy. Photo: Erlend Haarberg / Wild Wonders of Europe
162 imagesEuropean bison/wisent, Bison bonasus, Bialowieza forest, Poland. Photo: Stefano Unterthiner / Wild Wonders of Europe
290 imagesGrey seal, Halichoerus grypus, Donna Nook, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom. Photo: Laurent Geslin / Wild Wonders of Europe
99 imagesActive volcano, Stromboli, Etna, Italy. Photo: Oliver Grunewald / Wild Wonders of Europe
267 imagesBeech forest in autumn, mountain landscape, Valea Crapaturii and Rock of the King, National Park Piatra Craiului, Bicaz, Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas National Park, Carpathians, Transylvania, Romania. Photo: Cornelia Dörr / Wild Wonders of Europe
247 imagesWild reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, Forollhogna national park , Norway. Photo: Vincent Munier / Wild Wonders of Europe
218 imagesEurasian Otter, Lutra lutra, European bison/Wisent, Bison bonasus, Carpathian Wolf, Canis lupus, White-backed Woodpecker, Dendrocopos leucotos, birds, wildlife, autumn colors, beech forest, "Sine Wiry" Reserve, Bieszczady National Park, Carpathian mountains, Poland. Photo: Grzegorz Lesniewski / Wild Wonders of Europe
553 imagesEuropean Bee-eater, Merops apiaster, European Roller, Coracias garrulus, birds, Pusztaszer Landscape Reserve, Hungary. Photo: Markus Varesvuo / Wild Wonders of Europe
387 imagesPool frog, Pelophylax lessonae, Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Beluga, European sturgeon, Huso huso, underwater, Danube Delta, Romania. Photo: Magnus Lundgren/Wild Wonders of Europe
345 imagesEurasian Wolverine, Gulo gulo, Eurasian Brown bear, Ursus arctos, European wolf, Canis lupus, Kuhmo, Finland. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
499 imagesLandscapes and wildlife on land and in the sea around the Canary Islands. Laurisilva forest, Laurus azorica, among other trees in Garajonay National Park, La Gomera Island. Nature, plants and birds in Timanfaya National Park, Lanzarote Island. Teneguia Volcanoe craters and landscapes, in La Palma Island. El Jable sand dunes Natural Park, North Fuerteventura Island and Shortfin pilot whales underwater, Globicephala macrorhynchus.
125 imagesLoggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, Nile soft-shelled turtle, Trionyx triunguis, Mediterranean chameleon or Common chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon, Ghost crab or sand crabs, Ocypode cursor, Dalyan delta, Turkey. Photo: Solvin Zankl / Wild Wonders of Europe
340 imagesCaterpillar, grasshopper, butterfly, spider, bugs and flowers, Fliess, Austria. Photo: Niall Benvie / Wild Wonders of Europe
155 imagesWaterfalls, lakes and forest in autumn colors, UNESCO world heritage site, Plitvice lakes National Park, Croatia. Photo: Maurizio Biancarelli / Wild Wonders of Europe
499 imagesForest, waterfall, River Lepenjica, Ibex, Capra ibex, Julien Alps, Triglav National Park, Slovenia. Photo: Daniel Zupanc / Wild Wonders of Europe
136 imagesIberian Lynx, Lynx pardinus, Sierra Morena, north east Jaén Province, Andalusia. Spain. Photo: Pete Oxford / Wild Wonders of Europe
498 imagesWhite pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Little egret, Egretta garzetta, Night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, birds, wetland, Letea forest, Danube delta rewilding area, Romania Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
413 imagesClub-tailed Dragonfly, Gomphus vulgatissimus, Odonata, Gomphidae, Common Poppy, Papaver rhoeas, European Green Toad, Bufo viridis, Balkan Wall Lizard, Podarcis taurica, flowers, arthropods, landscape, Galicica National Park, Macedonia. Photo: David Maitland / Wild Wonders of Europe
243 imagesCaucasian rhododendron, Rhododendron caucasium, Nordmann Fir, Abies nordmanniana, forest, mountain flowers, landscape, Mount Ushba, Mount Elbrus, Caucasus, Russia. Photo: Tom Schandy / Wild Wonders of Europe
358 imagesPeregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus, nesting on the Cathedral of Gaudi the Sagrada familia, Barcelona, Spain. Photo: Laurent Geslin / Wild Wonders of Europe
446 imagesLandscape in Troodos mountains, Hare´s Tail Grass, Lagurus ovatus, Cyclamen, Cyclamen persicum, Aphrodites Rock, Hisarköy, Northern Cyprus. Photo: Peter Lilja / Wild Wonders of Europe
238 imagesBlack Stork; Ciconia nigra, Great White Egret; Casmerodius albus, Common Greenshank, Tringa nebularia, birds, River Elbe Germany. Photo: Dieter Damschen / Wild Wonders of Europe
96 imagesPurple Orchid, Orchis mascula, Poet's Daffodil, Narcissus poeticus, Meadow buttercup, Ranunculus acris, flowers, landscape, Piano Grande, Sibillini National Park, Italy. Photo: Sandra Bartocha / Wild Wonders of Europe
154 imagesBeech tree, Fagus sylvatica, Hallerbos forest, Bluebells, Hyacinthoides non scripta, Belgium. Photo: Maurizio Biancarelli / Wild Wonders of Europe
253 imagesBohemian Switzerland National Park, Ceske Svycarsko, Czech Republic. Nature, forest, landscape, fungi and trees in autumn colours.
69 imagesWalrus, Odobenus rosmarus, Brunnich's Guillemot, Uria lomvia, Arctic Fox, Alopex lagopus, ice, landscape, wildlife, birds, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway. Photo: Ole Jørgen Liodden/ Wild Wonders of Europe
34 imagesMeadow saffron, Colchicum autumnale, Hungarian Grey cattle, Bos primigenius, Duna Drava National Park, Mohacs, Hungary. Photo: Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
387 imagesAlpine Marmots, Marmota marmota, Ibex, Capra ibex, Alpine Chough, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, Alpine flowers and landscape, Hohe Tauern National Park, Carinthia, Austria. Photo: Grzegorz Lesniewski / Wild Wonders of Europe
202 imagesRed-footed Falcon, Falco vespertinus, European Glass Lizard, Ophisaurus apodus, Lesser Mouse-eared Bat, birds, wildlife, landscape, Bagerova Steppe, Kerch Peninsula, Crimea, Ukraine. Photo: Grzegorz Lesniewski / Wild Wonders of Europe
145 imagesRapadalen, Sarek National Park, Laponia, UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sweden. Photo: Peter Cairns / Wild Wonders of Europe
484 imagesMountain flowers, Berger's Clouded Yellow butterfly, Centaurea montana, Mountain cornflower, Colias alfacariensis, Campanula scheuchzeri, Viola biflora, Aster alpinus, Alpine aster flower, Yellow wood violet, Scheuchzer's Bellflower, Lichtenstein Photo: Edwin Giesbers / Wild Wonders of Europe
255 imagesSanderling, Calidris alba, Brent Goose, Branta bernicla, birds, landscape, waders, wetland, UNESCO world heritage site, Hallig Hooge, Germany. Photo: Laszlo Novak / Wild Wonders of Europe
16 imagesKiller whale, Orcinus orca, Kristiansund, Nordmøre, Norway. Photo: Nils Aukan / Wild Wonders of Europe
193 imagesExmoor pony, Equus caballus, Tauros cow, Limia, Bos taurus, Tauros/Aurochs breeding site run by The Taurus Foundation, Keent Nature Reserve, The Netherlands. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
126 imagesMonterey Pine forest, Pinus radiata, Canary pine, Pinus canariensis, coastal landscape, lava, sand dunes, Anaga Peninsula, Tenerife Island, The Teide volcano, Teide National Park, Gran Canaria Island, Canary Islands, Spain. Photo: Iñaki Relanzon / Wild Wonders of Europe
97 imagesGrey seal, Halichoerus grypus, Mute swan, Cygnus olor, Edible snail, Helix pomatia, coastal landscape, Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden. Photo: Orsolya Haarberg / Wild Wonders of Europe
74 imagesPolar Bear, Ursus maritimus, Ringed Seal, Pusa hispida, Svalbard Reindeer, Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus, Black Guillemot, Cepphus grylle, Rock Ptarmigan, Lagopus mutus hyperborea, winter landscape, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Norway. Photo: Ole Jørgen Liodden/ Wild Wonders of Europe
115 imagesMute swans , Cygnus olor, White tailed sea eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla, Poland, Oder river delta/Odra river rewilding area. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
286 imagesBlack Stork nest, Ciconia nigra, Moricsala Strict Nature Reserve, Moricsala Island, Lake Usma, Cape Kolka, Slitere National Park, Kemeri National Park, Bog forest, Baltic sea coast, Latvia. Photo: Diego López/ Wild Wonders of Europe
258 imagesRelease of European bison, Bison bonasus, in the Tarcu mountains nature reserve, Natura 2000 area, Southern Carpathians, Romania. The release was actioned by Rewilding Europe and WWF Romania.
15 imagesKingfisher, Alcedo Atthis, Hungary. Photo: Laszlo Novak / Wild Wonders of Europe
129 imagesWhite stork, Ciconia ciconia, Roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, Cow parsely, Anthriscus sylvetris, wetland, sand dunes, Nagliai Nature Reserve, Nemunas Regional Reserve, Rusne, Lithuania. Photo: Mark Hamblin / Wild Wonders of Europe
9 imagesWild boar, Sus scrofa, Alam-Pedja Nature reserve, Estonia, Alladale Wilderness Reserve, Scotland, Berlin, Germany. Photo: Sven Začek / Wild Wonders of Europe, Peter Cairns / Wild Wonders of Europe, Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
146 imagesEuropean Pond Terrapin, Emys orbicularis, Dalmatian Pelican, Pelecanus crispus, Shebeniku-Jabllanica National Park, Albania. Photo: Anders Geidemark / Wild Wonders of Europe
72 imagesHumpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, landscape, Skjalfandafljot river delta, northern Iceland. Photo: Mark Carwardine / Wild Wonders of Europe
71 imagesEagle owl, Bubo bubo, King Bolete or Porcini, Boletus edulis, Wood-anemone, Anemone nemorosa, Blue anemone, Hepatica nobilis, Cowslip, Primula veris, Sweden. Photo: Staffan Windstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
231 imagesEurasian Crane, Grus grus, Whooper Swan, Cygnus cygnus, Lake Tysslingen, Lake Hornborga, Sweden. Photo: Stefano Unterthiner / Wild Wonders of Europe
83 imagesScorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus, Moray eel, Muraena helena, Striped blenny, Parablennius rouxi, underwater, Larvotto Marine Reserve, Monaco, Mediterranean Sea. Photo: Franco Banfi / Wild Wonders of Europe
172 imagesSea rose, Armeria pungens, White Stork, Ciconia ciconia, cliff, coastal landscape, Southwest Alentejo and Vicentine Coast Natural Park, Portugal. Photo: Luis Quinta / Wild Wonders of Europe
86 imagesOsprey, Pandion haliaetus, Raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides, Grey heron, Ardea cinerea, Kangasala, Finland. Photo: Peter Cairns / Wild Wonders of Europe
382 imagesCommon Beech, Fagus sylvatica, Fir, Abies, virgin forest, mountain landscape, Rewilding area, Carpathian Mountains, Romania. Photo: Sandra Bartocha / Wild Wonders of Europe
278 imagesEurasian brown bear, Ursus arctos, Alpine grasslands, mountain landscape, forest, Tarcu Mountains, Natura 2000 site, rewilding area, Southern Carpathians, Munții Ṭarcu, Caraș-Severin, Romania. Photo: Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
454 imagesEurasian grey wolf, Canis lupus, Eurasian brown bear, Ursus arctos, Fallow deer, Dama dama, Eurasian red fox, Vulpes vulpes, Black stork, Ciconia nigra, birds, wildlife, landscape, Eastern Rhodope mountains, Bulgaria. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
61 imagesWalrus, Odobenus rosmarus, Polar bear, Ursus maritimus, Svalbard, Norway. Photo: Peter Cairns / Wild Wonders of Europe
190 imagesWild konik horses in Odry delta reserve, Stepnica, Poland.
317 imagesEurasian brown bear, Ursus arctos, North Velebit National Park, Velebit Nature Park, rewilding area, Velebit mountains, Croatia. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
210 imagesUnderwater marine life Norway. Magnus Lundgren / Wild Wonders of Europe
134 imagesBlack Grouse, Tetrao tetrix, Capercaillie, Tetrao urogallus, Bergslagen, Sweden. Photo: Erlend Haarberg / Wild Wonders of Europe
199 imagesSilk tree, Albiyia julibrissin, Pine forest, waterfall, flowers, landscape, Montado do Barreiro Natural Park, Paul de Serra mountains, Madeira. Photo: Milan Radisics / Wild Wonders of Europe
145 imagesGyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus, Rock Ptarmigan, Lagopus muta, Myvatn, waterfall, Aldeyjarfoss, Thingeyjarsyslur, Iceland Photo: Daniel Bergmann / Wild Wonders of Europe
42 imagesCork Oak, Quercus suber, Olander in flower, Nerium Oleander, Olive tree, Olea europea, Aggius, Sardinia, Italy. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
67 imagesDiving, Silfra, underwater, Dab, Limanda limanda, crab, nudibranch, landscape, waterfall, Rock Ptarmigan, Lagopus mutus, Thingvellir lake, Thingvellir National Park, Iceland. Photo: Magnus Lundgren / Wild Wonders of Europe
99 imagesBasking Shark, Cetorhinus maximus, Island of Mull, Scotland. Photo: Nuno Sa / Wild Wonders of Europe
40 imagesWhite Storks, Ciconia ciconia, Squacco Heron, Ardeola ralloides, Greater Flamingos, Phoenicopterus ruber, birds, Wetland Reserve Coto Doñana National & Natural Park. Huelva Province, Andalusia. Spain. Photo: Pete Oxford / Wild Wonders of Europe
182 imagesEleonora's falcon, Falco eleonorae, Andros, Greece. Photo: Stefano Unterthiner / Wild Wonders of Europe
74 imagesBrown trout, Salmo trutta, Sea Trout, fish, Sweden, Denmark. Photo: Martin Falklind / Wild Wonders of Europe
53 imagesGolden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, White-tailed sea eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla, Flatanger, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
227 imagesDusky Grouper, Epinephelus marginatus, endangered in IUCN Red List, Common Octopus, Octopus vulgaris, nudibranch, underwater, Corsica, Lavezzi Islands, France. Photo: Linda Pitkin / Wild Wonders of Europe
405 imagesLesser-spotted eagle, Aquila pomarina, Common beech, Fagus sylvatica, forest, rewilding area, European Bison or Wisent, Bison bonasus, Bieszczady National Park, Poland. Photo: Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
461 imagesHermann's Tortoise, Testudo hermanni, Cyclamen, Cyclamen purpurascens, flower, waterfall, landscape, Pindos Mountains, Pindos national park, Meteora, Greece. Photo: Milán Radisics/Wild Wonders of Europe
319 imagesBottle-nosed Dolphin breaching, Tursiops truncatus, Moray Firth, Nr Inverness, Scotland
73 imagesEuropean bison or wisent, Bison bonasus, Drawsko Military area, Western Pomerania, Poland. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
45 imagesEuropean Spoonbill stork, Platalea alba, Greek land tortoise, Testudo graeca, Night heron, Nycticorax nycticorax, Squacco heron, Ardea ralloides, Lilac, Syringa vulgaris, birds, flowers, landscape, Lake Kerkini, Macedonia, Greece. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
44 imagesGriffon vulture, Gyps fulvus, Canillo, Palmate Newt, Lissotriton helveticus, Vall D´Incles, Andorra. Photo: Magnus Elander / Wild Wonders of Europe,
30 imagesRed squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, in winter forest, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland. Photo: Peter Cairns / Wild Wonders of Europe
99 imagesLammergeier, Gypaetus barbatos, Griffon vulture, Gyps fulvus, Cebollar, Torla, Aragon, Spain. Photo: Magnus Elander / Wild Wonders of Europe
98 imagesCentral Apennines, rewilding area, Italy. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
147 imagesWhite Camargue horses, Greater Flamingos, Phoenicopterus roseus, Camargue, France. Photo: Theo Allofs / Wild Wonders of Europe
119 imagesWhite-Fronted Goose, Anser albifrons, Red-Breasted Goose, Branta ruficollis, Pigmy Cormorant, Phalacrocorax pygmaeus, Durankulak Lake, Bulgaria. Photo: Manuel Presti / Wild Wonders of Europe
184 imagesUrban fox, Vulpes vulpes, London, United Kingdom. Photo: Laurent Geslin / Wild Wonders of Europe
82 imagesNature and forest landscape in Oulanka National Park, Finland. Trees in autumn colours.
246 imagesTaiga boreal forest, Ural owl, Strix uralensis, Peat bog lands, Stora Sjöfallet National Park, Laponia UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lapland, Norrbotten, Sweden. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
142 imagesRed fox, Vulpes vulpes, forest, mountain landscape, wildlife, flowers, Pollino National park, Italy. Photo: Claudia Müller /Wild Wonders of Europe, Sandra Bartocha / Wild Wonders of Europe
99 imagesGreat snipe, Gallinago media, White stork, Ciconia ciconia, Roe deer, Caprelous caprelous, Oak, Quercus robur, Matsalu Bay Nature Reserve, Estonia. Photo: Lassi Rautiainen / Wild Wonders of Europe
124 imagesAtlantic salmon, Salmo salar, underwater River Orkla, Norway. Photo: Magnus Lundgren / Wild Wonders of Europe
116 imagesBlack Vulture, Aegyptus monacha, Griffon Vulture, Gyps fulvus, Egyptian Vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Fox, Vulpes vulpes, Extremadura, Monfrague, Spain. Photo: Markus Varesvuo / Wild Wonders of Europe
219 imagesEuropean Brown bear, Ursus arctos, Red deer, Cervus elaphus, Ichneumon wasp, Tatra chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica, Dolichomitus imperator, wildlife, landscape, Mount Krivàn, High Tatras, Slovakia. Photo: Bruno D´Amicis/ Wild Wonders of Europe
225 imagesEuropean Pond Turtle, Emys orbicularis, Wild boars, Sus scrofa, Vagrant Darter, Sympetrum vulgatum, Long-nosed viper, Vipera ammodytes, canyon landscape, Iron gate passage, National Park Djerdab, Serbia. Photo: Ruben Smit / Wild Wonders of Europe
99 imagesIberian ibex, Capra pyrenaica, Gredos mountains, Spain. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
259 imagesMayfly, Palingenia Longicauda, river Tisza, Hungary. Photo: Milan Radisics / Wild Wonders of Europe
246 imagesYellow water lily, Nuphar lutea, White stork, Ciconia ciconia, Pedunculate oak, Quercus robur, Kravice waterfalls, Flowering hairy vetch, Vicia villosa, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Photo: Elio della Ferrera / Wild Wonders of Europe
6 imagesEuropean bison or wisent, Bison bonasus, Kennemerduinen National Park, Kraansvlak, The Netherlands. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
194 imagesOak tree, Quercus, The oxeye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, landscape, streams, waterfall, flowers, Mullerthal trail, Mullerthal, Luxembourg Photo: Jesper Tønning / Wild Wonders of Europe
114 imagesPike, Esox lucius, Grayling, Thymallus thymallus, Bream, Abramis brama, freshwater fish, Switzerland. Photo: Michel Roggo / Wild Wonders of Europe
91 imagesItalian cave salamander, Speleomantes italicus, Crab spider, Misumena spec. Emerald lizard, Nine-spotted Moth, Syntomis phegea, Bee orchid, Ophrys apifera, Lacerta bilineata, Monte Titano, Adriatic Sea Coast, San Marino. Photo: Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
86 imagesGriffon vulture, Gyps fulvus, Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Montejo de la Vega, Segovía, Castilla and Leon, Spain. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
50 imagesGannets, Morus bassanus, bird cliff, The Flannans, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, Saltee Islands, Ireland. Photo: Danny Green / Wild Wonders of Europe
7 imagesMountain landscape, forest stream, Ruisseau du Cot, Pyrenees, France. Photo: Verena Popp Hackner / Wild Wonders of Europe
131 imagesUral owl, Strix uralensis, European beaver, Castor fiber, Red-throated diver, Gavia stellata, Bergslagen, Sweden. Photo: Peter Cairns / Wild Wonders of Europe
200 imagesOtter, Lutra lutra, Northumberland, England, Moray Firth, Scotland. Photo: Laurie Campbell / Wild Wonders of Europe
474 imagesThe Red-footed Falcon, Falco vespertinus, Wagtails, Motacilla, Przewalsky horse, Equus ferus przewalskii, Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybridus, wildlife, birds, landscape, Tisza lake, Hortobagy National Park, Hungary. Photo: Milan Radisics/ Wild Wonders of Europe
95 imagesGhost shark, Chimaera monstrosa, Northern stone crab, Lithodes maja, starfish, lobster, nudibranch, underwater Trondheimsfjorden, Norway. Photo: Magnus Lundgren / Wild Wonders of Europe
90 imagesMountain landscape, Tre Cime, South Tyrol, Sexten Dolomites, Italy. Photo: Frank Krahmer / Wild Wonders of Europe
150 imagesCorn Poppy, Papaver rhoeas, European green lizard, Lacerta viridis, Forest dormouse, Dryomys nitedula, Long-legged Buzzard, Buteo rufinus, wildlife, birds, landscape, Nigopol plevena, Bulgaria. Photo: Dietmar Nill / Wild Wonders of Europe
236 imagesRed Deer, Cervus elaphus, Fallow Deer, Dama dama, Klampenborg Dyrehave, Denmark. Photo: Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
128 imagesGreat Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis, Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea, Ijsselmeer, The Netherlands. Photo: Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
500 imagesIberian ibex Capra pyrenaica, Griffon vulture, Gyps fulvus, Red kites, Milvus milvus, Spanish fighting bull, Bos primigenius taurus, horses, birds, wildlife, landscape, Rewilding area, Western Iberia, Spain. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
16 imagesRhododendron, Rhododendron sp. old growth forest, beech tree, Fagus sylvatica, Mtirala National Park, Borjomi Kharagauli National Park, Georgia. Photo: Georg Popp Hackner / Wild Wonders of Europe
88 imagesKonik horse, Red deer, Cervus elaphus, Spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia, Heck cattle, Bos taurus, Oostvaardersplassen, The Netherlands. Photo: Mark Hamblin / Wild Wonders of Europe
37 imagesCommon Crane, grus grus, Brandenburg, Germany. Photo: Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
332 imagesWhite Pelican, Pelecanus onocrotalus, Red Footed Falcon, Falco vespertinus, Black Tern, Chlidonias niger, birds, wetland, Danube delta, Romania. Photo: Manuel Presti / Wild Wonders of Europe
492 imagesBlack tailed godwits, Limosa Limosa, Wild cat, Felis silvestris, Staghorn beetle, Lucanus cervus, wildlife, birds, flowers, arthropods, landscape, Codrii Nature reserve, Moldova. Photo: Laurent Geslin / Wild Wonders of Europe
102 imagesMuskrat, Ondatra zibethica, Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, Firebugs, Pyrrhocoris apterus, birds, arthropods, flowers, Pont-du-Chateau, Auvergne, France. Photo: Florian Möllers / Wild Wonders of Europe
130 imagesSpoonbill, Platalea leucorodia, Oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus, Avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta, Black-tailed Godwit, Limosa limosa, Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, birds, waders, landscape, Texel, The Netherlands. Photo: Jari Peltomäki / Wild Wonders of Europe
134 imagesYellow-legged moustached Icon Hoverfly, Syrphus ribesii, Cyclamen, Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, Vatican's garden, Rome, Italy. Photo: Laurent Geslin / Wild Wonders of Europe
54 imagesBramblings, Fringilla montifringilla, Lödersdorf, Austria. Photo: Laszlo Novak / Wild Wonders of Europe
125 imagesEuropean plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, Monkfish, Lophius piscotorius, Plumose anemone, Metridium senile, crab, nudibranch, underwater, Lofoten, Norway. Photo: Magnus Lundgren / Wild Wonders of Europe
71 imagesGriffon Vulture, Gyps fulvus, Black stork, Ciconia nigra, Holm oak, Quercus ilex rotundifolia, French or Spanish lavender, Lavandula stoechas, Dehesa landscape, Monfrague National Park, Extremadura, Spain. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
140 imagesSpotted Souslik, Spermophilus suslicus,Werbkowice-Zamosc, Poland. Photo: Diego López / Wild Wonders of Europe
42 imagesMouflon, Ovis musimon, mountain landscape, Parc naturel regional du Haut-Languedoc, Caroux, France. Photo: Ingo Arndt / Wild Wonders of Europe
366 imagesCinereous Vulture, Aegypius monachus, Black kite, Milvus migrans, horses, rewilding area, Campanarios de Azaba Biological Reserve, Salamanca, Castilla y Leon, Spain. Photo: Juan Carlos Munoz / Wild Wonders of Europe
45 imagesCapercaillie, Tetrao urogallus, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland. Photo: Peter Cairns/ Wild Wonders of Europe
65 imagesGreat Grey owl, Strix nebulosa, Oulu, Finland. Photo: Peter Cairns / Wild Wonders of Europe
208 imagesGreat bustard, Otis tarda, White stork, Ciconia ciconia, Little owl, Athene noctua, Lesser kestrel, Falco naumanni, Spanish steppe birds, Yellow Scorpion, Buthus occitanus, La Serena, Extremadura, Spain. Photo: Staffan Widstrand / Wild Wonders of Europe
440 imagesEastern Imperial Eagle, Aquila heliaca, Souslik, Spermophilus citellus, Morske Oko Reserve, Pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, Fire Salamander, Salamandra salamandra, flowers, arthropods, forest, landscape, Poloniny Nationalpark, Western Carpathians, Slovakia Photo: Konrad Wothe / Wild Wonders of Europe